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Choose an address

Address Option 1
Wood Street, East London

Price Starts from £19

Address Option 2
Old Street, London

Price Starts from £59


Choose your service

Order Summary

Registered office address
£39 /Yearly £49

This service allows you to use our address on Companies House and HMRC. All mails from HMRC and Companies House will be forwarded free of charge to your forwarding address. This package also includes FREE director’s service address.

Business address service
£45 /Yearly £55

This service can be used for all your general business needs. You can display our address on your website, invoices, emails, letterhead, marketing materials, and correspondence with clients or banks.

This service includes flexible letter forwarding options, allowing you to choose how many letters you want forwarded each year.

Company formation + Registered address
£69 /Yearly £89

Do you need help registering/forming your LTD company on Companies House? Forming on your own can be a challenging process. Leave the hard work to us! We’ll form it for you, using our address. You’ll simply need to fill in a basic form and we’ll do the rest.

Registered office address Q&A
I’m not sure I need this service, please can you provide more information?

If you’ve formed a Limited company on Companies House or about to, and need an address, then this is the service for you. The Registered office address service allows you to use our address on Companies House and HMRC.

How will you post my mails to me?

All mails are posted from our premise using 1st class stamps.

Will this service protect my home address?

Companies House requires you to provide an address during the formation of your company. The address you provide will be visible online on Companies House records. We don’t advise you to use your home address as anyone can search your company and find that address. We suggest you buy our service and use our address that way your home address is protected.

Will you scan my mail?

This package does not include scan. If you also want to get your letters scanned before it’s posted, you can add “Scan Service” available on the next page.

What mails does this service cover and will you forward it?

This package covers mails from Companies House and HMRC. This means if you have this service and get any letters from Companies House or HMRC, then we’ll forward it to your home address.

Can I use this service for general mails from my bank or my clients?

This service cannot be used for general business service such as banks or your clients. It’s only valid to be used on Companies House and HMRC. You’ll need to add Business address service if you want to use our address for non-government areas

How many Director’s does the Registered office address cover?

It covers only one director FREE of charge. You’ll need to add the Director’s service address if you want more directors.

Are your charges monthly or yearly?

All our prices are yearly. This means you won’t have to worry about payments every month.

Business Address Service Q&A
What areas does this package cover?

The business address service can be used in areas such as your website, invoice, bank, clients and more.

Will you scan my mail?

This package does not include scan. If you also want to get your letters scanned before it’s posted, you can add “Scan Service” available on the next page.

Does it allow me to use it on Companies House?

Government use such as Companies House and HMRC is not included in the business address service. You’ll need to add the service “Registered office address” for that.

What are Credits?

Credit is like an allowance. Each credit represents 1 letter. This means if you got 10 credits in your account, we’ll forward 10 letters to your forwarding address. Our business address package comes with 10 credits

What If I run out of credit?

No worries at all. You can always add more from your account portal.

Company formation Q&A
How does the company formation work?

After you add the company formation service to your basket, fill in the registration form and make the payment, we’ll start your formation from our side. We’ll then email you with the remaining questions to complete the process.

Will you scan my mail?

This package does not include scan. If you also want to get your letters scanned before it’s posted, you can add “Scan Service” available on the next page.

How long does company formation take?

We aim to submit your company formation within the same working day. After it is submitted to Companies House, it usually takes 2 working days to receive an update. We’ll then forward your incorporation certificate along with all other documents to your email address if your company is successful.

Do I need to give you an address to form my company?

We’ll form your company using our address. However, we need your home address to forward your mails.

How do I check if the company name I want to use is available?

We advise you to check on Companies House to see if the name is available. Link is below;

Add additional services

Order Summary

Scan Service
£29 /Yearly £39

We’ll scan your mail before posting it. This will allow you to see your mails the same day.

Virtual Office Certificate

Our Virtual Office Certificate provides professional proof of address for your company. It can be used for official purposes, such as opening a business bank account or providing proof of address to Companies House. Once purchased, our admin team will promptly create and email the certificate to you.

Logo Design

Entrust your brand's identity to our team of seasoned experts, who will meticulously craft the best logo, ensuring a seamless match with the unique values, vision, and personality of your business.

Website Development

Our website development team is ready to work with you. We’ve designed and developed websites for a wide variety of sectors and industries, both in UK and globally. Select this option and we’ll send you a document with full details.

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